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Exam Number : Salesforce-Certified-Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist
Exam Name : Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions
Time allotted to complete the exam: 90 minutes
Passing score: 65%
Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Retake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Delivery options: Proctored test delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.
References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
Prerequisite: None required; Email Essentials (EEB101) course attendance is highly recommended (Content Builder is covered in this course).
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist test measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with the Marketing Cloud Email application and demonstrate the knowledge and use of each of the features/functions below.
Email Marketing Best Practices: 15%
Given a customer scenario, evaluate the elements and techniques of email marketing to design an effective email campaign.
Given a customer scenario, recognize situations where legal compliance may be an issue during an email campaign.
Given a customer scenario, differentiate elements of an email that can impact message deliverability.
Given a customer scenario, demonstrate appropriate and effective subscriber acquisition methodologies.
Given a customer scenario, apply best practices of communicating with a population.
Email Message Design: 13%
Given a customer scenario, recommend email design best practices to implement.
Given the desired output functionality, recommend methods for creating responsive emails.
Given the desired output requirements, recommend strategies to A/B test email elements.
Given a desired sending process, recommend Marketing Cloud tools to use when preparing an email for send.
Given an email message design, determine the correct use of Approvals.
Content Creation and Delivery: 18%
Given a scenario, create and customize an email message to meet a customer's need.
Given a scenario, send and deploy an email campaign to meet the customer requirement.
Given a scenario, know how to manage content needed to deploy a customers email campaign.
Describe various send capabilities in the Email application.
Marketing Automation: 19%
Given a customer scenario, recommend the appropriate marketing automation solution.
Given a scenario to manage customer data, configure the appropriate marketing automation tools.
Subscriber and Data Management: 28%
Given the desired output requirements, set up Subscriber Lists and Data Extensions in the Marketing Cloud.
Given a customer's business requirements, determine how to import data into Marketing Cloud as per best practices.
Given a customer's business requirements, configure segmentation tools to accurately model subscribers and data.
Given a customer scenario, recommend the marketing unsubscribe subscription management solution that meets the requirement based on customer frequency, permission, and preferences.
Tracking and Reporting: 7%
Given a customer scenario, explain the different metrics available for email campaigns and what each one means.
Given an email campaign, describe the steps involved to analyze the performance results.
Given a need to run reports, configure and run Marketing Cloud ad hoc and automated reports.
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