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Fortinet NSE5_FMG-7.0 : Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiManager 7.0 Practice Tests

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Exam Number : NSE5_FMG-7.0
Exam Name : Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiManager 7.0
Vendor Name : Fortinet
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Thanks to valid and up to date latest NSE5_FMG-7.0 Practice Test
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NSE5_FMG-7.0 exam Format | NSE5_FMG-7.0 Course Contents | NSE5_FMG-7.0 Course Outline | NSE5_FMG-7.0 exam Syllabus | NSE5_FMG-7.0 exam Objectives

Test Details:
- exam Name: Fortinet NSE5_FMG-7.0 Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiManager 7.0
- exam Format: Multiple-choice questions
- exam Duration: 120 minutes
- Passing Score: 70%
- Prerequisites: None
- Certification Validity: 2 years

Course Outline: Fortinet NSE5_FMG-7.0 Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiManager 7.0

I. Introduction to Fortinet FortiManager
A. Overview of FortiManager features and benefits
B. Understanding the role of FortiManager in Fortinet solutions
C. FortiManager architecture and deployment options

II. FortiManager Administration
A. FortiManager installation and setup
B. System configuration and maintenance
C. User management and permissions

III. Device Management with FortiManager
A. Device registration and provisioning
B. Firmware management and upgrades
C. Device group management and templates

IV. Policy and Configuration Management
A. Security policy management and enforcement
B. Object management and database synchronization
C. Configuration rollback and revision control

V. FortiManager Monitoring and Reporting
A. Log management and analysis
B. Event notifications and alerts
C. Reporting and analytics

VI. High Availability and Redundancy
A. Implementing high availability for FortiManager
B. Active-passive and active-active configurations
C. Failover and synchronization

VII. FortiManager Integration and Automation
A. Integrating FortiManager with FortiAnalyzer and FortiGate
B. REST API and automation capabilities
C. Centralized device and policy management

Exam Objectives:
- Understand the features and benefits of Fortinet FortiManager
- Administer FortiManager and perform system configuration and maintenance tasks
- Manage devices using FortiManager, including registration, provisioning, and firmware management
- Configure and enforce security policies through FortiManager
- Monitor and analyze logs, events, and generate reports
- Implement high availability and redundancy for FortiManager
- Integrate FortiManager with other Fortinet products and automate management tasks

The syllabus for the Fortinet NSE5_FMG-7.0 Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiManager 7.0 course will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to Fortinet FortiManager
- FortiManager Administration
- Device Management with FortiManager
- Policy and Configuration Management
- FortiManager Monitoring and Reporting
- High Availability and Redundancy
- FortiManager Integration and Automation

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