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Exam Number : NRA-FPM
Exam Name : NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager
Vendor Name : Food
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At, we take pride in offering the latest NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager syllabus, valid and up-to-date Food NRA-FPM Mock Questions that are highly effective in passing the NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager exam. By choosing our platform, you can enhance your career as an expert in your industry. We have earned a reputation for assisting individuals in passing the NRA-FPM test on their first attempt. Our PDF Download performance has been consistently excellent over the past two years. Thanks to our NRA-FPM Mock Questions, customers trust our Mock Questions and VCE for their real NRA-FPM exam. is the leader in providing NRA-FPM real test questions. We continuously maintain the validity and relevance of our NRA-FPM Mock Questions to ensure that our customers succeed in the test with high marks.

Our NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager test dumps are guaranteed to help you pass the test with flying colors. We offer our NRA-FPM Mock Questions in two formats, NRA-FPM PDF file, and NRA-FPM VCE test simulator. The NRA-FPM real test is rapidly evolving, and we ensure that our NRA-FPM Mock Questions is always up-to-date. You can get our NRA-FPM Mock Questions PDF document on any device and even print it out to create your own study book. Our pass rate is high at 98.9%, and the similarity between our NRA-FPM questions and the real test is 98%. So, if you want to succeed in the NRA-FPM test on your first attempt, visit to get our Food NRA-FPM real test questions.

NRA-FPM test Format | NRA-FPM Course Contents | NRA-FPM Course Outline | NRA-FPM test Syllabus | NRA-FPM test Objectives

Providing Safe Food
•Foodborne Illness
•​ How Food borne Illnesses Occur
•Keeping Food Safe
Forms of Contamination
•Biological, Chemical, and Physical Contaminants
•Deliberate Contamination of Food
•Responding to a Foodborne Illness Outbreak
•Food Allergens
The Safe Food Handler
•How Food Handlers Can Contaminate Food
•A Good Personal Hygiene Program
The Flow of Food: An Introduction
•Hazards in the Flow of Food
•Monitoring Time and Temperature
The Flow of Food: Purchasing, Receiving, and Storage
•General Purchasing and Receiving Principles
The Flow of Food: Preparation
•Cooking Food
•Cooling and Reheating Food
The Flow of Food: Service
•Holding Food
•Serving Food
Food Safety Management Systems
•Food Safety Management Systems
Safe Facilities and Pest Management
•Interior requirements for a Safe Operation
•Emergencies that Affect the Facility
•Pest Management
Cleaning and Sanitizing
•Cleaning and Sanitizing
•Cleaning and Sanitizing in the Organization
•Organisms That Cause Foodborne Illness
This Syllabus is strictly adhered to and there are no provisions for ‘practical experience.
I. Providing Safe Food including the ethical responsibility of operators to provide a safe product, how to produce
such a product, what can happen when sanitation is breached, common sense approach to maintaining good
sanitation, and the role of the NYS Board of Health in keeping the food supply safe, the FAT TOM concept.
II. Forms of Contamination including biological, chemical, and physical contaminants, how to prevent common
problems and outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, specific pathogens and their preferred growing environments, the
four phases of bacterial growth.
III. The Safe Foodhandler including effective training and protocols for staff to maintain good sanitation, the role of
personal hygiene in maintain safe food handling practices, making every day a "health inspection day".
IV. The Flow of Food
V. Food Prep and Service including the role of HACCP in the food safety arsenal, following potentially hazardous
foods through the operation from purchasing to post production reports.
VI. Food Safety Management
VII. The Safe Facility including modeling safe food handling practices, providing tools and training for safe food
handling, response to outbreaks of foodborne illness (perceived or real), discussion keeping the facility pest and
contaminant free including proactive tactics, how to read and use Material Safety Data Sheets.
VIII. Cleaning and sanitizing and National Certification test including the definitions of the terms clean versus
sanitary, different types of sanitizers including chlorides, and quaternary sanitizing agents and their uses,
sanitizing practices for major equipment, surfaces, service ware and hand tools.

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