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Microsoft MB-340 : Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant Practice Tests

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Exam Number : MB-340
Exam Name : Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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MB-340 test Format | MB-340 Course Contents | MB-340 Course Outline | MB-340 test Syllabus | MB-340 test Objectives

Exam Number: MB-340
Exam Name : Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant


Candidates for this test set up and use the application functionality in Dynamics 365 Commerce and provide support for the application.
Candidates have a strong understanding of unified commerce business operations. They may have experience configuring, deploying, and maintaining Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Configure Dynamics 365 Commerce Headquarters (20-25%)
Configure products, prices, discounts, loyalty, and affiliations (20-25%)
Manage Point of Sales (POS) in Dynamics 365 Commerce (15-20%)
Configure and manage Dynamics 365 Commerce call centers (10-15%)
Manage e-commerce (15-20%)

Configure Dynamics 365 Commerce Headquarters (25-30%)
Configure prerequisites and commerce parameters
 create employee and customer address books
 configure and manage retail workers
 assign address books to customers, channels, and workers
 create email templates and email notification profiles
 configure organizational hierarchies and hierarchy purposes
 configure Commerce shared parameters
 configure company-specific Commerce parameters
Describe and configure additional functionality
 create and configure channel and sales order attributes
 configure commissions and sales representatives
 configure payment methods and card types
 configure and manage gift cards
 describe Omni-channel capabilities including payments, orders, and returns
 configure data distribution
 create info codes, sub-codes, and info code groups
 describe Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection purchase protection, loss prevention, and account protection
Manage statements
 describe advantages of using trickle feed-based posting
 validate retail transactions by using the transaction consistency checker
 configure and manage retail statement calculations and posting
 troubleshoot statement posting issues
Configure Distributed Order Management (DOM)
 configure fulfillment profiles
 configure cost components including shipping, handling, and packaging costs
 configure management rules and parameters
 monitor fulfillment plans and order exceptions
Configure order fulfillment
 configure modes of delivery including shipments, pick up, and carry out
 configure curbside customer order pickup
 configure charge codes, charge groups, and automatic charges
 configure and assign order fulfillment groups
Configure products, prices, discounts, loyalty, and affiliations (25-30%)
Configure products and merchandising
 configure product category hierarchies
 configure product attributes and attribute groups
 configure assortments and product catalogs
 manage product labels and shelf labels
 describe uses cases for recommendation types including product, personalized, Shop
similar looks, and Shop similar descriptions recommendations
 configure recommendations
 configure warranty settings
 configure inventory buffers and inventory levels
 configure products and variants including configuring barcodes
Manage pricing
 design and create price groups
 configure pricing priorities
 configure product pricing including smart rounding
 configure catalog pricing
 configure affiliation pricing
 configure category pricing rules
Manage discounts and promotions
 configure discount parameters
 configure channel or customer-specific discounts
 configure quantity, shipping, tender-based, and threshold-based discounts
 configure discount concurrency rules
 manage coupons
Manage customers, loyalty, and affiliations
 configure client books
 configure customer attributes
 configure customer affiliations
 configure loyalty programs, loyalty schemes, and reward points
 manage loyalty tier calculations and processing
Manage Point of Sale (POS) in Dynamics 365 Commerce (15-20%)
Configure retail stores
 create a retail store
 configure POS registers and devices
 configure retail profiles
 configure sales tax overrides
 configure Task Management lists and parameters
 define cash management processes
 define shifts and shift management processes
 configure channel return policies
 describe offline capabilities and limitations
Manage store inventory
 configure availability calculations for products
 manage inbound and outbound inventory operations
 process customer pick-up and shipment orders
 manage inventory processes including stock counts
 look up product inventory
 process serialized items
Perform POS operations
 perform sales and order processes
 perform end of day processes
 reconcile store cash
 monitor store productivity by using task management and reporting features
Configure and Manage Dynamics 365 Commerce call centers (10-15%)
Configure call centers
 create a call center
 configure and publish product catalogs
 create product catalog scripts
 configure fraud conditions, rules, and variables to trigger order holds
 configure fraud alerts
Configure continuity orders and installment billing
 set up continuity programs and parameters
 configure continuity order batch jobs
 manage continuity child orders
Manage call centers
 create, modify, and process sales orders
 process call center payments
 manage order holds
 create return merchandise authorizations (RMAs)
 process returns, exchanges, and replacements
Manage e-commerce (15-20%)
Configure an e-commerce channel
 create an online store
 configure an e-commerce site
 configure channel assignments for an e-commerce site
 configure ratings and reviews
Manage e-commerce content
 configure URLs and aliases
 configure product detail pages and category pages
 manage site themes, page fragments, templates, layouts, and pages
 upload and manage digital assets including videos and images
 set focal points and attribute values for media assets
 configure publish groups
Operate an e-commerce channel
 create e-commerce orders
 synchronize e-commerce orders
 moderate ratings and reviews
Configure business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce
 describe differences between B2B and business-to-consumer (B2C) solutions
 describe use cases for organizational modeling hierarchies
 manage business partners and business partner users
 configure product quantity limits

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