Microsoft MB-300 : Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Core Finance and Operations Practice TestsPractice Tests Organized by Lee |
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Exam Number : MB-300
Exam Name : Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Core Finance and Operations
Vendor Name : Microsoft
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The website offers the most recent and 2025-updated Exam Questions with PDF Download Q&A for the latest Microsoft Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Core Finance and Operations test topics. Practice their real questions to Improve your knowledge and pass the test with high marks. guarantees your success in the Test Center by covering all the test references and building your knowledge of the MB-300 exam. With their boot camp, you can confidently pass the exam.
Passing the Microsoft MB-300 test requires more than just a superficial understanding of the course material and syllabus. Simply reading the MB-300 course book is not enough. To ensure success, you need to familiarize yourself with the challenging questions that are asked in the genuine MB-300 exam. To achieve this, visit and obtain their free MB-300 Actual Questions sample questions to read. If you feel confident that you can memorize these MB-300 questions, then you can register to obtain the complete set of PDF Download for MB-300 Actual Questions. This will be your best move towards success. Install the VCE test simulator on your computer, read and memorize MB-300 Actual Questions, and take practice tests regularly with the VCE test simulator. Once you feel fully prepared for the genuine MB-300 exam, visit the Test Center and register for the real exam.
There is no shortcut to success when it comes to passing the Microsoft MB-300 exam. You need to put in the time and effort to study and prepare properly. However, with the help of, you can make the process much easier and increase your chances of success. By downloading the free MB-300 Actual Questions sample questions, you can get an idea of the type of questions that will be asked in the genuine MB-300 exam. From there, you can register to obtain the complete set of PDF Download for MB-300 Actual Questions and install the VCE test simulator on your computer. With these resources at your disposal, you can read and memorize MB-300 Actual Questions, take practice tests, and gauge your readiness for the genuine MB-300 exam. With persistence and hard work, you can clear your concepts and achieve success in the Microsoft MB-300 exam.
Skills Measured
Use common functionality and implementation tools (20-25%)
Identify common Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance features and functionality
• determine when to use workspaces
• identify use cases for Power Platform apps including Power Apps, Power BI and Microsoft Flow
• identify and differentiate between the global address book and other address books
• demonstrate Work Items functionality
• demonstrate Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance navigation techniques
• identify Inquiry and Report types available in a default installation
Implement Lifecycle Services (LCS) tools
• identify opportunities to re-use existing assets
• analyze Business Process Modeler results and identify gaps in functionality
• including creating an Acceptance Testing BPM library and analyzing the results
• use the LCS tools including Issue Search and analyze results
Configure security, processes, and options (45-50%)
Implement security
• identify and distinguish between the various standard security roles in Finance and Operations
• distinguish between duties, privileges, and permissions
• assign users to security roles based on given scenarios
Design and create workflows
• identify opportunities for automation and controls based on customer workflows
• configure workflow properties and elements
• troubleshoot workflows
Configure options
• set up and configure legal entities
• configure base number sequences
• import or create all necessary startup data including Zip/Postal Code data, customers,vendors, and products
• configure the calendars and date intervals
• configure units of measure and conversions
• configure posting profiles and definitions
• create organization hierarchies
• apply purposes and policies
• describe and apply user options
Implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance common features
• configure Microsoft Office integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
• configure email (SMTP/Exchange)
• create and maintain email and record templates
• integrate Power BI with Entity store
• create, export, and import personalizations
• set up network printing
Implement business processes for the solution
• define use case scenarios
• participate in phase-based planning processes and the solution design
• design and create workflows
• set up batch Jobs and alerts
• use business process workspaces
Perform data migration (15-20%)
Plan a migration strategy
• identify common migration scenarios and tools in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
• determine migration scope
• identify relevant data entities and elements based on given scenarios
• establish migration strategy processes including migration scope
Prepare data for migration and migrate data
• identify and extract source data
• generate field mapping between source and target data structures
• support the transition between the existing and migrated systems
• perform a test migration and validate output from the process
Validate and support the solution (15-20%)
Implement and validate the solution within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
• perform user acceptance testing (UAT)
• prepare and validate to Go live
• build test scripts to test business functionality
• automate test case automation by using the Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT)
• demonstrate the correlation between test scripts and business requirements
• monitor validation test progress and make ad hoc changes during validation testing to correct identified issues
Support Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) by using LCS
• perform a solution gap analysis
• use LCS tools to identify, report, and resolve issues
• manage Microsoft Dynamics 365 One Version
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