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Exam Number : ISEB-PM1
Exam Name : Foundation Certificate in Project Management
Vendor Name : ISEB
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Exam ID : ISEB-PM1
Exam Title : BCS Foundation Certificate in IS Project Management
Questions : 40
Pass Marks : 26
Duration : 1 hour
Exam Type : multiple-choice
This certificate is appropriate for anyone involved in or affected by IT projects; this extends to users, buyers and directors.
Candidates will be able to demonstrate and execute an understanding of the principles of project management in their organisation, including an understanding of:
Project planning
Monitoring and control
Change control and configuration management
Effort estimation
Quality and risk management
Communication between project stakeholders
Candidates who pass the Foundation Certificate should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of project management, including those that relate to project planning, monitoring and control, change control and configuration management, effort estimation, quality and risk management and communication between project stakeholders.
1. Projects and Project Work
The definition of projects, as opposed to other types of work
Terms of reference for a project
The purpose of project planning and control
The typical activities in a system development life-cycle
System and project life cycles
Variations on the conventional project life cycle, such as the use of prototypes or an iterative approach (e.g. the creation and testing of a series of versions of a product that converge on the final deliverable) or incremental approach (i.e. the phased creation and delivery of a series of products to users)
Implementation strategies e.g. parallel running, ‘sudden death, use of pilots
Purpose and content of business case reports; the use and significance of discounted cash flows in such reports (Note: knowledge of the method of calculation is NOT required)
Types of planning document: project initiation documents; project and stage plans, quality plan, communications plan, risk plan
Post implementation review
2. Project Planning
Note: candidates are expected to have an understanding of both the product and activity based approaches to planning
Project deliverables and intermediate products
Work and product breakdowns
Product definitions (including the identification of derived from, and component of relationships between products)
Relationship between products and activities in a project
Check points and milestones
Lapsed time and effort required for activities
Activity networks (using ‘activity on node notation)
Calculation of earliest and latest start and end dates of activities and resulting float
Identification and significance of critical paths
Resource allocation, smoothing and levelling, including the use of resource histograms
Work schedules and Gantt charts
3. Monitoring and Control
The project control life cycle: including planning, monitoring achievement, identifying variances, taking corrective action
The nature of, and the purposes for which, information is gathered
Collecting progress information
- Timesheets,
- Team progress meetings
- Error and change reports etc
Presenting progress information
- Content of progress reports
- Graphical presentation of progress information e.g. accumulative resource charts (also known as S-curve charts)
- Use of earned value analysis, including where it would be applied in project life-cycle (Note: it is not expected that candidates be able to calculate and interpret earned value figures)
The reporting cycle
- Reporting structures in projects
- Timing, personnel and purpose of different types of reporting meetings
Corrective action
- Tolerance and contingency
- Exception reports and plans
- Management procedures involved in changing plans
- Options, including extending or staggering deadlines, increasing resources, reducing Functionality or quality requirements, cancelling the project etc.
4. Change Control and Configuration Management
Reasons for change and configuration management
Change control procedures
- Role of change control boards
- Generation of change requests
- Change request evaluation (e.g. its impact on the business case)
- Change request authorisation
Configuration management
- Purpose and procedures
- Identification of configuration items
- Product baselines
- Configuration management databases: content and use
5. Quality
Definitions of the term ‘quality e.g. ‘fitness for purpose
Quality control versus quality assurance
Defining quality: definition and measurement
Detection of defects during the project life cycle
Quality procedures: entry, process and exit requirements
Defect removal processes, including testing and reviews
Types of testing (including unit, integration, user acceptance, and regression testing)
The inspection process, peer reviews
Principles of IS0 9001:2000 quality management systems
supplier evaluation
6. Estimating
Effects of over and under-estimating
Effort versus duration; relationship between effort and cost
Estimates versus targets
Use of expert judgement (advantages and disadvantages)
The Delphi approach
Top-down estimating
- Identification of size drivers (e.g. function points etc)
- Identification of productivity rates (e.g. function points per day)
- Need for past project data to establish productivity rates
- Factors affecting productivity rates (e.g. staff experience)
- Estimation of effort for new projects using productivity rates and size drivers
Bottom up approaches to estimating
Use of analogy in estimating
7. Risk
Definition of the term ‘risk; components of risk: risk events (or triggers), probability, impact
Ways of categorising risk, e.g. business versus project
Identification and prioritisation of risk
Assessment of risk exposure (i.e. combining consideration of potential damage and probability of loss)
Risk responses and actions: risk prevention, reduction, acceptance, transfer and contingency planning
Typical risks associated with information systems development
Assessment of the costs/benefits of risk reduction activities
Maintenance of risk registers and risk logs
8. Project Communications and Project Organisation
Relationship between programmes and projects
Identifying stakeholders and their concerns
The project sponsor
Establishment of the project authority (e.g. project board, steering committee etc.)
Membership of project board/steering committee
Roles and responsibilities of project board, project manager, stage manager, team leader
Desirable characteristics of project manager
Role of project support office
The project team and matrix management
Reporting structures and responsibilities
Management styles and communication (including same time/same place; same time/different place, different time/same place, different time/different place)
Team building (including phases of team cohesion e.g. forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning)
Team dynamics
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