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Exam Number : GMAT-Quntitative
Exam Name : GMAT Quantitative exam
Vendor Name : GMAT
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GMAT-Quntitative Exam Cram with genuine answers and boot camp
At, you can access an extensive database of GMAT-Quntitative exam questions, which includes the exact same questions that you will encounter in the genuine GMAT-Quntitative test. Our questions bank is highly relevant to the GMAT-Quntitative exam and has been created by test takers who have successfully passed the exam with high scores.

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GMAT-Quntitative exam Format | GMAT-Quntitative Course Contents | GMAT-Quntitative Course Outline | GMAT-Quntitative exam Syllabus | GMAT-Quntitative exam Objectives

Test Detail:
The GMAT Quantitative section, also known as GMAT-Quantitative or GMAT Math, is a component of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). This section measures your mathematical and analytical skills to solve quantitative problems. The following description provides an overview of the GMAT Quantitative exam.

Course Outline:
To prepare for the GMAT Quantitative section, you can consider a comprehensive course that covers the following key areas:

1. Arithmetic:
- Fractions, decimals, and percentages
- Ratios and proportions
- Exponents and roots
- Descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, etc.)

2. Algebra:
- Solving equations and inequalities
- Quadratic equations
- Algebraic expressions and manipulations
- Functions and graphing

3. Geometry:
- Lines, angles, and triangles
- Circles and polygons
- Perimeter, area, and volume
- Coordinate geometry

4. Word Problems:
- Problem-solving strategies
- Work, rate, and distance problems
- Mixtures, ratios, and proportions
- Probability and statistics

Exam Objectives:
The GMAT Quantitative section aims to assess your ability to apply mathematical concepts and reasoning to solve quantitative problems. The exam objectives include the following:

1. Problem Solving (approximately 67% - 75%):
- Analyzing and solving quantitative problems
- Applying mathematical concepts and formulas to various scenarios
- Interpreting and analyzing data presented in tables, charts, and graphs

2. Data Sufficiency (approximately 25% - 33%):
- Evaluating information given in two statements to determine sufficiency
- Assessing the relevance and completeness of information provided
- Identifying the minimum amount of information needed to solve a problem

Exam Syllabus:
The GMAT Quantitative section covers a range of syllabus within the exam objectives mentioned above. The syllabus may include the following:

- Arithmetic: Fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and proportions
- Algebra: Equations, inequalities, exponents, roots, functions, and sequences
- Geometry: Lines, angles, triangles, circles, polygons, and coordinate geometry
- Word Problems: Applications of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry in real-world scenarios
- Data Sufficiency: Assessing the sufficiency of given information to solve problems

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