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LPI 300-100 : LPIC-3 test 300: Mixed Environments, version 1.0 Practice Tests

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LPIC-3 Mixed Environment
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90 mins
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500 / 800
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Topic 390: OpenLDAP Configuration

390.1 OpenLDAP Replication

Description: Candidates should be familiar with the server replication available with OpenLDAP.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Replication concepts

- Configure OpenLDAP replication

- Analyze replication log files

- Understand replica hubs

- LDAP referrals

- LDAP sync replication
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

- master / slave server

- multi-master replication

- consumer

- replica hub

- one-shot mode

- referral

- syncrepl

- pull-based / push-based synchronization

- refreshOnly and refreshAndPersist

- replog

390.2 Securing the Directory

Weight: 3
Description: Candidates should be able to configure encrypted access to the LDAP directory, and restrict access at the firewall level.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Securing the directory with SSL and TLS

- Firewall considerations

- Unauthenticated access methods

- User / password authentication methods

- Maintanence of SASL user DB

- Client / server certificates
Terms and Utilities:


- Security Strength Factors (SSF)


- proxy authorization

- StartTLS

- iptables

390.3 OpenLDAP Server Performance Tuning

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should be capable of measuring the performance of an LDAP server, and tuning configuration directives.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Measure OpenLDAP performance

- Tune software configuration to increase performance

- Understand indexes
Terms and Utilities:

- index


Topic 391: OpenLDAP as an Authentication Backend

391.1 LDAP Integration with PAM and NSS

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should be able to configure PAM and NSS to retrieve information from an LDAP directory.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Configure PAM to use LDAP for authentication

- Configure NSS to retrieve information from LDAP

- Configure PAM modules in various Unix environments
Terms and Utilities:



- /etc/pam.d/

- /etc/nsswitch.conf

391.2 Integrating LDAP with Active Directory and Kerberos

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should be able to integrate LDAP with Active Directory Services.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Kerberos integration with LDAP

- Cross platform authentication

- Single sign-on concepts

- Integration and compatibility limitations between OpenLDAP and Active Directory
Terms and Utilities:

- Kerberos

- Active Directory

- single sign-on


Topic 392: Samba Basics

392.1 Samba Concepts and Architecture

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should understand the essential concepts of Samba. As well, the major differences between Samba3 and Samba4 should be known.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Understand the roles of the Samba daemons and components

- Understand key issues regarding heterogeneous networks

- Identify key TCP/UDP ports used with SMB/CIFS

- Knowledge of Samba3 and Samba4 differences
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:

- /etc/services

- Samba daemons: smbd, nmbd, samba, winbindd

392.2 Configure Samba

Weight: 4
Description: Candidates should be able to configure the Samba daemons for a wide variety of purposes.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Knowledge of Samba server configuration file structure

- Knowledge of Samba variables and configuration parameters

- Troubleshoot and debug configuration problems with Samba
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- smb.conf parameters

- smb.conf variables

- testparm

- secrets.tdb

392.3 Regular Samba Maintenance

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should know about the various tools and utilities that are part of a Samba installation.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Monitor and interact with running Samba daemons

- Perform regular backups of Samba configuration and state data
Terms and Utilities:

- smbcontrol

- smbstatus

- tdbbackup

392.4 Troubleshooting Samba

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should understand the structure of trivial database files and know how troubleshoot problems.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Configure Samba logging

- Backup TDB files

- Restore TDB files

- Identify TDB file corruption

- Edit / list TDB file content
Terms and Utilities:

- /var/log/samba/

- log level

- debuglevel

- smbpasswd

- pdbedit

- secrets.tdb

- tdbbackup

- tdbdump

- tdbrestore

- tdbtool

392.5 Internationalization

Weight: 1
Description: Candidates should be able to work with internationalization character codes and code pages.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Understand internationalization character codes and code pages

- Understand the difference in the name space between Windows and Linux/Unix with respect to share, file and directory names in a non-English environment

- Understand the difference in the name space between Windows and Linux/Unix with respect to user and group naming in a non-English environment

- Understand the difference in the name space between Windows and Linux/Unix with respect to computer naming in a non-English environment
Terms and Utilities:

- internationalization

- character codes

- code pages

- smb.conf

- dos charset, display charset and unix charset

Topic 393: Samba Share Configuration

393.1 File Services

Weight: 4
Description: Candidates should be able to create and configure file shares in a mixed environment.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Create and configure file sharing

- Plan file service migration

- Limit access to IPC$

- Create scripts for user and group handling of file shares

- Samba share access configuration parameters
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- [homes]

- smbcquotas

- smbsh

- browseable, writeable, valid users, write list, read list, read only and guest ok

- IPC$

- mount, smbmount

393.2 Linux File System and Share/Service Permissions

Weight: 3
Description: Candidates should understand file permissions on a Linux file system in a mixed environment.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Knowledge of file / directory permission control

- Understand how Samba interacts with Linux file system permissions and ACLs

- Use Samba VFS to store Windows ACLs
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- chmod, chown

- create mask, directory mask, force create mode, force directory mode

- smbcacls

- getfacl, setfacl

- vfs_acl_xattr, vfs_acl_tdb and vfs objects

393.3 Print Services

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should be able to create and manage print shares in a mixed environment.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Create and configure printer sharing

- Configure integration between Samba and CUPS

- Manage Windows print drivers and configure downloading of print drivers

- Configure [print$]

- Understand security concerns with printer sharing

- Uploading printer drivers for Point’n’Print driver installation using ‘Add Print Driver Wizard’ in Windows
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- [print$]


- cupsd.conf

- /var/spool/samba/.

- smbspool

- rpcclient

- net

Topic 394: Samba User and Group Management

394.1 Managing User Accounts and Groups

Weight: 4
Description: Candidates should be able to manage user and group accounts in a mixed environment.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Manager user and group accounts

- Understand user and group mapping

- Knowledge of user account management tools

- Use of the smbpasswd program

- Force ownership of file and directory objects
Terms and Utilities:

- pdbedit

- smb.conf

- samba-tool user (with subcommands)

- samba-tool group (with subcommands)

- smbpasswd

- /etc/passwd

- /etc/group

- force user, force group.

- idmap

394.2 Authentication, Authorization and Winbind

Weight: 5
Description: Candidates should understand the various authentication mechanisms and configure access control. Candidates should be able to install and configure the Winbind service.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Setup a local password database

- Perform password synchronization

- Knowledge of different passdb backends

- Convert between Samba passdb backends

- Integrate Samba with LDAP

- Configure Winbind service

- Configure PAM and NSS
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- smbpasswd, tdbsam, ldapsam

- passdb backend

- libnss_winbind

- libpam_winbind

- libpam_smbpass

- wbinfo

- getent

- SID and foreign SID

- /etc/passwd

- /etc/group

Topic 395: Samba Domain Integration
395.1 Samba as a PDC and BDC

Weight: 3
Description: Candidates should be able to setup and maintain primary and backup domain controllers. Candidates should be able to manage Windows/Linux client access to the NT-Style domains.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Understand and configure domain membership and trust relationships

- Create and maintain a primary domain controller with Samba3 and Samba4

- Create and maintain a backup domain controller with Samba3 and Samba4

- Add computers to an existing domain

- Configure logon scripts

- Configure roaming profiles

- Configure system policies
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- security mode

- server role

- domain logons

- domain master

- logon script

- logon path

- NTConfig.pol

- net

- profiles

- add machine script

- profile acls
395.2 Samba4 as an AD compatible Domain Controller

Weight: 3
Description: Candidates should be able to configure Samba 4 as an AD Domain Controller.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Configure and test Samba 4 as an AD DC

- Using smbclient to confirm AD operation

- Understand how Samba integrates with AD services: DNS, Kerberos, NTP, LDAP
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- server role

- samba-tool domain (with subcommands)

- samba

395.3 Configure Samba as a Domain Member Server

Weight: 3
Description: Candidates should be able to integrate Linux servers into an environment where Active Directory is present.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Joining Samba to an existing NT4 domain

- Joining Samba to an existing AD domain

- Ability to obtain a TGT from a KDC
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- server role

- server security

- net command

- kinit, TGT and REALM

Topic 396: Samba Name Services
396.1 NetBIOS and WINS

Weight: 3
Description: Candidates should be familiar with NetBIOS/WINS concepts and understand network browsing.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Understand WINS concepts

- Understand NetBIOS concepts

- Understand the role of a local master browser

- Understand the role of a domain master browser

- Understand the role of Samba as a WINS server

- Understand name resolution

- Configure Samba as a WINS server

- Configure WINS replication

- Understand NetBIOS browsing and browser elections

- Understand NETBIOS name types
Terms and Utilities:

- smb.conf

- nmblookup

- smbclient

- name resolve order

- lmhosts

- wins support, wins server, wins proxy, dns proxy

- domain master, os level, preferred master

396.2 Active Directory Name Resolution

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should be familiar with the internal DNS server with Samba4.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Understand and manage DNS for Samba4 as an AD Domain Controller

- DNS forwarding with the internal DNS server of Samba4
Terms and Utilities:

- samba-tool dns (with subcommands)

- smb.conf

- dns forwarder

- /etc/resolv.conf

- dig, host

Topic 397: Working with Linux and Windows Clients

397.1 CIFS Integration

Weight: 3
Description: Candidates should be comfortable working with CIFS in a mixed environment.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Understand SMB/CIFS concepts

- Access and mount remote CIFS shares from a Linux client

- Securely storing CIFS credentials

- Understand features and benefits of CIFS

- Understand permissions and file ownership of remote CIFS shares
Terms and Utilities:


- mount, mount.cifs

- smbclient

- smbget

- smbtar

- smbtree

- findsmb

- smb.conf

- smbcquotas

- /etc/fstab

397.2 Working with Windows Clients

Weight: 2
Description: Candidates should be able to interact with remote Windows clients, and configure Windows workstations to access file and print services from Linux servers.
Key Knowledge Areas:

- Knowledge of Windows clients

- Explore browse lists and SMB clients from Windows

- Share file / print resources from Windows

- Use of the smbclient program

- Use of the Windows net utility
Terms and Utilities:

- Windows net command

- smbclient

- control panel

- rdesktop

- workgroup

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