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Vmware 2V0-62.21 : Professional VMware Workspace ONE 21.X Practice Tests

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Exam Number : 2V0-62.21
Exam Name : Professional VMware Workspace ONE 21.X
Vendor Name : Vmware
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2V0-62.21 test Format | 2V0-62.21 Course Contents | 2V0-62.21 Course Outline | 2V0-62.21 test Syllabus | 2V0-62.21 test Objectives

Exam Specification: 2V0-62.21 Professional VMware Workspace ONE 21.X

Exam Name: 2V0-62.21 Professional VMware Workspace ONE 21.X
Exam Code: 2V0-62.21
Exam Duration: 135 minutes
Passing Score: 300 (on a scale of 100-500)
Exam Format: Multiple-choice, Drag and Drop, Matching, and Hotspot
Exam Delivery: Proctored online or at a testing center

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to VMware Workspace ONE
- Overview of VMware Workspace ONE components and architecture
- Understanding the role of Workspace ONE in digital workspace management
- Exploring Workspace ONE features and capabilities

2. Workspace ONE Installation and Configuration
- Preparing the environment for Workspace ONE deployment
- Installing and configuring the Workspace ONE UEM console
- Configuring integration with identity providers and directory services

3. Device Management with Workspace ONE UEM
- Enrolling devices into Workspace ONE UEM
- Configuring device profiles and compliance policies
- Managing applications and content distribution to devices

4. Application Management with Workspace ONE UEM
- Configuring and deploying public and internal applications
- Implementing application delivery and update strategies
- Exploring advanced application management features

5. Identity and Access Management with Workspace ONE Access
- Configuring single sign-on (SSO) for applications
- Managing user and group assignments
- Implementing conditional access policies

6. Workspace ONE Intelligence and Analytics
- Utilizing Workspace ONE Intelligence for data-driven insights
- Configuring and customizing dashboards and reports
- Monitoring and troubleshooting workspace performance

7. Security and Compliance in Workspace ONE
- Implementing device and data security measures
- Enforcing compliance policies and data loss prevention
- Exploring Workspace ONE security features and integrations

Exam Objectives:

1. Understand the architecture and components of VMware Workspace ONE.
2. Install and configure the Workspace ONE UEM console.
3. Manage devices, profiles, and applications using Workspace ONE UEM.
4. Configure and deploy applications in Workspace ONE UEM.
5. Implement single sign-on (SSO) and access management with Workspace ONE Access.
6. Utilize Workspace ONE Intelligence for analytics and reporting.
7. Implement security measures and enforce compliance in Workspace ONE.

Exam Syllabus:

Section 1: Introduction to VMware Workspace ONE (10%)
- Overview of VMware Workspace ONE components and architecture
- Role of Workspace ONE in digital workspace management
- Workspace ONE features and capabilities

Section 2: Workspace ONE Installation and Configuration (15%)
- Preparing the environment for Workspace ONE deployment
- Installing and configuring the Workspace ONE UEM console
- Integration with identity providers and directory services

Section 3: Device Management with Workspace ONE UEM (20%)
- Enrolling devices into Workspace ONE UEM
- Configuring device profiles and compliance policies
- Managing applications and content distribution

Section 4: Application Management with Workspace ONE UEM (20%)
- Configuring and deploying public and internal applications
- Application delivery and update strategies
- Advanced application management features

Section 5: Identity and Access Management with Workspace ONE Access (15%)
- Configuring single sign-on (SSO) for applications
- User and group assignments management
- Implementing conditional access policies

Section 6: Workspace ONE Intelligence and Analytics (10%)
- Workspace ONE Intelligence for data-driven insights
- Configuring dashboards and reports
- Monitoring and troubleshooting workspace performance

Section 7: Security and Compliance in Workspace ONE (10%)
- Device and data security measures
- Compliance policies and data loss prevention
- Workspace ONE security features and integrations

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